Homemade Crafts
We make homemade crafts and sell them. We have scarfs of various sizes. Long, narrow ones. Short, wide ones. Long, wide ones. Short, narrow ones.
There are blankets available as well. We have small and large pet blankets. The small one's are 2 1/2 feet by 2 1/2 feet. They are various colors with paws on them. The large pet blankets are 50 inches by 60 inches. They have pictures of animals on them. There are Christmas one's available. They have pictures of Santa Clause and snowmen on them. All the blankets are made of fleece and they are machine washable.
For those of you who have cats we have cat toys with catnip for sale. Some have bells in them and some do not.
We also sell bandanas that go around the necks of cats or dogs. They come in X-small, Small, Medium, and Large.
We have small wooden Tooth Fairy Boxes for the little ones. They come in different colors.
Also available are Tic Tac Toe games and Dominoes.
We also do special orders.